6 Tips To Help Your Employees Avoid Burnout
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Most employees come to work with the intention of doing a good job, are loyal to their employers, and enjoy feeling like they contribute to the organization’s success.
When employees are in jobs that fulfill them professionally, that commitment increases drastically.
But when employers place unreasonable demands on their workforce, the end result is job dissatisfaction, low productivity, and employee burnout.
It’s a very tender balance to squeeze the most productivity out of employees while nurturing them enough to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
It is estimated that 50% of employees experience burnout. Much of this is tied to a new hybrid work model and tensions created during the pandemic.
Choosing Between Two Priorities
It is sometimes difficult for employees to balance their work and personal responsibilities and commitments.
This tension is created when an employee decides which takes priority (home or work). Most employees choose their work responsibilities.
When employees feel the squeeze it puts undue stress on them and ultimately causes tension between the two lives that they live.
They want to do a good job at work and also have a great personal life, but sometimes it is the employer that stands in the way.
When employees are dealing with personal issues, it can be difficult to give their job everything, and sometimes, it is the job that contributes to issues at home.
The challenge comes when a job begins to interfere with home responsibilities.

Employees who are asked to work endless hours, travel a high percentage of the time or respond to work issues when not in the office, can get to the point of job burnout.
This constant pressure can also result in health issues for the employee and conflict at home.
“In all my years of counseling, those near death I’ve yet to hear anyone say they wish they had spent more time at the office.”
Rabbi Kuschner
So, as an employer, how can you get the most out of employees while helping them balance work responsibilities and their personal life?
6 Tips To Help Your Employees Avoid Burnout
1. Make it Intentional
There are very few things in life that happen without it being done intentionally or by having a goal to do so.
Balancing work and life should be a corporate objective, from the employer’s perspective, but also a personal goal for employees.
If both groups have the same goal, it can’t help but work!
2. Write a Policy to Support Balance
Incorporating work-life balance policies within an organization’s culture can be one of the most important steps an employer can take.
This sends a message to the employee that their life away from work is as important as their job responsibilities.
For example, a policy may state that employees are not allowed to work X number of hours over 40 for X number of days in a row.
In other words, putting limits on overtime and excessive travel can go a long way in communicating an organization’s commitment to balance.
3. Teach Time Management
Wasted time is one of the biggest productivity thieves for businesses.
Organizations are paying employees for unproductive time because they don’t have good time management skills.
Invest in time management training and have managers mentor and coach employees using their own time management techniques.
For instance, help make employees aware of time thieves and help them recapture that time.
4. Set the Example
Employees are like children in that most do what they see modeled by their leadership – not necessarily what they are told to do.
Make it a priority for leadership to demonstrate balance in their own lives.
For instance, if a manager leaves early on Tuesday to attend a child’s soccer game, it will send the message to employees that family is important.
This tactic sends a clear message to employees about the importance of balancing work with personal life.
5. Maintain Current Job Descriptions
Employee job descriptions should be a living and breathing document that is continually updated.
As job duties are added, tasks that may no longer be required should be removed.
For instance, let’s say that the accounting manager was required to submit a weekly report on finances during an office remodel. This task may have been an important aspect of the planning and facilitating of the project. However, when that project is complete, this weekly report may no longer be relevant and can be removed from their job responsibilities.
Conscientious employees will complete all job tasks as assigned, so be aware and remove those responsibilities that no longer add value.
6. Manage Employee Productivity
In addition to time management skills, employees must understand what is expected of them and have clear employee goals.
Create a structured process for managing employee performance to ensure that employees are doing those things that affect organizational strategy.
For instance, employee goals should support departmental goals. Departmental goals should be directly related to organizational objectives.
Employee Burnout Can Impact Those We Value Most
I heard a wise leader once say, “My career is a marathon and not a sprint, so taking the time to rest is a priority for me.”
Employee burnout impacts worker productivity and can sadly affect an employee’s personal life.
When this happens, marriages become strained, kids begin to act out, and the stress can impact an employee’s health.
I don’t think an organization out there wants to take responsibility for that.
Employers need to consider their most valuable asset and ask, “Does this work environment contribute to the well-being of, or hurt our employees”?
Are your employees burned out?