Can Your Business Survive Without Social Media?
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Ok, so you’re skeptical whether or not social media really works to drive customers to your business.
Is it really worth the investment of your time and money?
The real question is, how can you have a truly successful business and NOT be on social media?
Small businesses are learning that having a relationship with customers is critical for survival in today’s market.
The Advantage Social Brings
Think about it. Never before have small businesses had such an amazing opportunity to expose potential customers to their products and services.
What are the advantages of having a social presence?
One, it’s the best way to build trust and loyalty with customers and ultimately turn them into raving fans.
And two, you can get a really important product or service feedback almost instantaneously. Both of which are powerful tools to increase your bottom line.
Raving Fans
So, why is it important to create raving fans? Raving fans can spread the word about your business faster and better than any other kind of marketing.
They are the customers that will go to bat for you.
The ones who want to buy anything you’re selling. They’re loyal.
Customers become raving fans when they feel like your business cares about them and listens to them.
And most importantly, raving fans have a higher lifetime value than other customers.
Curious about how to build a community of loyal customers? Let me warn you, it’s no sprint. It’s a marathon.
It doesn’t happen overnight. As in any relationship, it takes time to develop trust.

As trust grows so does the value of a lifelong customer.
Focus on delivering valuable content every time you post to social. Make sure it’s on brand and is entertaining.
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes and ask yourself, “Is this something that I can share? Is it something that makes me feel good, looks good, or shows I have a good life?” If the answer is yes, go for it.
The Value of Feedback
Once you have built an engaged community of raving fans, you have created the perfect place to get honest feedback from customers.
This feedback is so valuable and can help launch new products or improve the ones you have.
Competition is fierce for small businesses, and social media is the perfect platform to get fast customer feedback.
In the past, it was expensive, and took a long time to survey customers to see how they felt about your products or services.
The tool helps your business understand what the market wants without the guesswork.
You then take that information and provide products and services that are the best available.
Now, with social media, you can strategically post questions or an actual survey to find out what people really think about what you are offering.
Every business can now take advantage of social media and improve its bottom line.
More and more small businesses have learned that having a social presence is critical to not only business growth – but survival.
That makes now the right time to jump on the social media wagon so your business won’t get left behind.