3 Reasons to Pursue BBB Accreditation
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
We are beginning a new year, and it is a good time to evaluate our reputation with customers.
We have all heard horror stories, and even news documentaries, about businesses that scam the public or fail to follow through on promises made to customers.
We go to a business for a product or service and have a basic expectation that what was is promised will be delivered.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t always turn out that way.
This phenomenon has resulted in organizations going on the offense and needing to convince the public that it is a safe place to do business.
And that it will deliver what is promised or make things right with the customers.
Anyone who deals with customers understands that issues will arise from time to time, but successful businesses put systems and processes in place to deal with customer concerns.

The Better Business Bureau is a great resource for those of us who want to find out if other consumers have had issues with an organization and how those issues were resolved.
This not only makes for a happy customer but potentially saves the organization from fighting a battle that is mediated through the Better Business Bureau.
The unfortunate part of this is there are probably a number of businesses with poor BBB ratings or negative online reviews that are not even aware of.
This is because many organizations don’t take the time to find out what customers are saying about them – or maybe they don’t even care.
I was recently speaking with a business owner who had a disgruntled customer.
When I asked how they planned to resolve the issue, they said, “we’re not worried about them, there are more customers out there…”
That is not the way I would recommend establishing a loyal customer base.
Whether your business is a storefront, online merchant, or both – you should consider acquiring accreditation from the Better Business Bureau.
BBB Accreditation is different from the various rating services that track customer reviews.
The advantage of pursuing the BBB seal for your website and other marketing materials is that it gives potential customers a sense of trust that comes from knowing the organization they are using operates with honest and trustworthy business practices.
A business that achieves BBB accreditation meets the standards for trust and has made a commitment to work with customers if any issues arise.
They also commit to gaining consumer trust and confidence through customer-friendly business practices.
BBB Accreditation Standards:
1. Build Trust – Establish and maintain a positive track record in the marketplace.
2. Advertise Honestly – Adhere to established standards of advertising and selling.
3. Tell the Truth – Honestly represent products and services, including clear and adequate disclosures of all material terms.
4. Be Transparent – Openly identify the nature, location, and ownership of the business, and clearly disclose all policies, guarantees, and procedures that bear on a customer’s decision to buy.
5. Honor Promises – Abide by all written agreements and verbal representations.
6. Be Responsive – Address marketplace disputes quickly, professionally, and in good faith.
7. Safeguard Privacy – Protect any data collected against mishandling and fraud, collect personal information only as needed, and respect the preferences of customers regarding the use of their information.
8. Embody Integrity – Approach all business dealings, marketplace transactions, and commitments with integrity.
You can learn more about the BBB Accreditation Standards here.
3 Reasons to Pursue BBB Accreditation
1. Accountability
Organizations that pursue BBB accreditation pay a fee for the BBB accreditation that supports fair and honest business practices.
This investment in membership provides objective oversight that helps keep organizations accountable for honest, trustworthy, and transparent business practices.
2. Credibility
Business credibility comes with meeting the BBB accreditation standards which include elements of creating and maintaining trust in business practices through self-regulation.
When consumers recognize that the BBB has graded a business positively, they have a level of trust and comfort in doing business with that organization.
3. Marketing Tool
Achieving the BBB seal of approval is a great accomplishment and should be used as a marketing tool.
It should be displayed on the business website, business cards, and any other marketing material that is made available to the general public.
This is a great way to quickly gain the confidence of potential customers.
Most people are concerned with making wise purchasing decisions.
More people now search and find businesses online. It can be difficult to assess an organization by merely exploring the company website.
A great-looking site does not necessarily translate into a credible business.
This is where the BBB accreditation and seal of approval can be a huge benefit!
If your business has been around for a while, you might want to explore BBB Accreditation.
Or at least review the BBB standards. Who knows – you may learn a better approach to some of your current business practices.
Has your business pursued BBB accreditation?