TSB is funded by advertisements and affiliate relationships. However, we always have and will continue to only personally recommend or endorse something if we feel that it would be of value to the readers.
If we find a product or service that we think would benefit your business, we will let you know about it. If a product or tool isn’t worth it we will tell you as well.
The purpose of endorsing products or services is for your benefit, not ours. We will tell you about great or interesting products and services that we find regardless of whether we receive any compensation from them.
That said, there are times when we are already talking about or recommending a product that offers a referral program. When we find this to be the case we create an affiliate relationship with that company and then receive compensation for referrals.
But to reiterate, we will never endorse a product or service that we don’t believe will help the readers regardless of compensation.
Fill out the form below and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about our affiliate partnerships.