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10 Things You Can Do To Get In Front Of Customers on Facebook

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A small business depends on marketing to get the word out about the products and services it provides to consumers.

And social marketing has become a tool of choice for many organizations because of the personalized approach there can be when interacting with (potential) customers on social platforms.

One platform that has exploded with advertising is Facebook. The reason is its unique ability to target messages to specific demographics.

Most people still use Facebook despite issues with privacy. Honestly, there aren’t a lot of people who were surprised by this (how often are you forced to agree to privacy policies) or who don’t understand that our data was being mined.

And while most of us agree that Facebook can do a better job of making users aware and helping to protect personal information, it is still a viable tool for advertising.

If you have tested Facebook as a platform to expose your business, you might find that it can be an affordable way to reach your target audience.

10 Things You Can Do To Get In Front Of Customers on Facebook

1. Be On Facebook

Everyone is on Facebook. Facebook as a social media platform is a no-brainer.

If you aren’t on there, create a page today and complete all of the information. Make sure you create an attention-getting ‘bumper sticker’ cover image.

For example. If you are in the cat business, your bumper sticker could be “Crazy Cat Lady.”

Your bumper sticker is 3-5 words and something your client would say, not you.

2. Facebook LOOOOOOVES Facebook.

What does that mean? It means anytime you keep your customers on Facebook and don’t ask them to leave to go to your website, you get brownie points.

It’s okay to put links to your blog or your product/service page – just don’t do it all the time.


Don’t you like to be in front of the camera? Then, find someone to represent your business for you, but find a way to get your brand on video.

That includes Facebook Live. They are SO incredibly valuable. Without a Facebook Live and video strategy, it’s going to be an uphill, painful climb.

4. Don’t Always Talk About Yourself.

Facebook doesn’t like this, and neither do your clients. Provide them with the 3 E’s. Entertainment, Education, and Engagement.

Don’t just share your content. Instead, share other content from similar pages that fall into one or more of these categories and are already popular.

This allows you to ride on other’s coattails and will help the growth of your page.

5. Listen To Your Followers.

Ask them questions. This is a GREAT place to find out what they want, like, don’t like or wish they had that would make their life better and easier.

6. Facebook Used To Be About Quantity As Much As Quality.

With the new algorithm that came out just a few months ago, this is no longer the case. As you may have already noticed, some of the pages you like and the groups you are in are not being shown to you as much as they once were.

Facebook is seeing who is engaging with what – if you haven’t been engaging for a while with a page, you may not be seeing their content as much. So, what can we do?

Post high-quality content that you know people want to see and post less often. Don’t just post to make sure you have something on your Facebook page. At the same time, don’t go for days without posting anything.

7. Be Consistent.

I cannot say this enough. That first time…or maybe even the first 10 times, you do a Facebook Live, maybe no one will show up, or no one will comment. That’s okay.

Don’t worry about it. It has happened to every single person that started out…and let’s face it. EVERYONE started at some point.

Instead, talk as if you are talking to 100 people…or 1,000 people. Use this time to your advantage – as a time to get comfortable so that when there are 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 people watching you, you’ll be comfortable and confident in front of that camera.

8. Create A Facebook Ad Strategy.

We know. Facebook ads can and are pretty intimidating. We have spent thousands of dollars on education, JUST on Facebook ads because of this.

BUT…if you want to grow, Facebook ads are a must. Let’s face it. Facebook is a business. They want to make money. How do they do that? By businesses advertising.

Gone are the days when you could grow a page without advertising. That’s just the way it is. But with a good, solid Facebook ad strategy, it will be a great investment!

9. Interact With Other Similar Pages.

Interact with other people in groups similar to yours. Why? Because you want to be VISIBLE.

How do you get more visible? By being seen everywhere. Don’t go into those groups or pages to steal people’s customers.

Go in there with the intention of providing exceptional value. When you do that, people will automatically be drawn to you and find you.


People can sense phony from 100 miles away. Care about people. Be a bit vulnerable. Share your story.

This is how people will truly get to know you and your brand. We call it the KNOW, LIKE, TRUST method.

Now…there is just one more thing left for you to do. Have fun and bring positivity. There is enough negativity on Facebook. Be different. Be part of the movement that makes people feel better after coming to your page or engaging in conversation with you. And you will walk away feeling better as well.

“Using Facebook ads and social media strategies to create a
KNOW, LIKE, TRUST advantage above their client’s competition.”

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